Pre-selected applicants are required to submit a 5-minute maximum video presenting a significant academic or professional experience. This could be a Bachelor thesis, internship, project, or any relevant experience the applicant enjoyed working on.
The topic should be related to DREAM’s fields of study. Applicants must follow the provided instructions to submit their video to the DREAM Management Office.
DREAM Management Office will collect your video by cloud. They will send you a link to download your video.
Yes. Because of the quantity of videos for the Selection Jury to watch, applicants with a video longer than 5 minutes won't be invited to interview.
To ensure fairness for all applicants, no videos will be accepted after the deadline. Unfortunately, this means your application will not proceed to the next stage.
Please rename your video using your DREAM ID number (which starts with dr6- followed by four digits), your last name (in uppercase), and your first name.
Example: dr6-0000 DUPOND Louisa
The maximum allowed size is 500 MB. Please make sure to compress your video if needed to reduce its size.