
Selection procedure for Erasmus Mundus Scholarships

Candidates who submit a complete application by the deadline will be considered for both the Erasmus Mundus and Consortium scholarships. The selection committee will review the applications and pre-select the top candidates. These candidates will then be asked to submit a 5-minute video, in which they will present a project relevant to the DREAM Master's program.

The jury will evaluate all submitted videos, and half of the pre-selected candidates will be invited for an online 30-minute interview with the selection committee. This interview will help the committee create a final ranking. The top-ranked candidates will be awarded the Erasmus Mundus scholarship.

Candidates ranked lower will be offered a reduction in registration fees, which corresponds to the Consortium scholarship. No candidate will be awarded both scholarships.

If a candidate does not confirm their Erasmus Mundus scholarship, they will be withdrawn, and the next candidate in the ranking will be offered the Erasmus Mundus scholarship, and so on. Please note that if the Consortium scholarship recipient does not confirm their award, it will not be reallocated to another candidate.

The DREAM management office will notify all candidates with complete applications by email about their results, whether it is positive or negative. If you do not receive any notification, please contact us at .


Pre-selected candidates on the main list will be invited to submit a 5-minute video, the topic should be on a project the candidate worked on and should be related to DREAM's fields of study. Please keep in mind that this video is only a pre-selection stage and does not mean that the candidate is eligible. Only half of the pre-selected candiates will be invited to interview after the 5-minute video.


Pre-selected candidates on the main list will be invited to participate in a video conference interview to exchange with the jury. Please keep in mind that this interview is only a pre-selection stage and does not mean that the candidate is eligible.

General rules

The ranking takes into account the academic performance of the student, the relevance of the field of their B.Sc for the DREAM curriculum, the quality of the home institutiontheir English language level, cover letter and other CV aspects.
Applicants whose applications have been rejected have the right of appeal. Appeals should be directed to the following address: More information on how to appeal will be given in the non-selected notification email.

Student agreement

Once selected by the jury, students will be contacted by DREAM Management Office and will have to confirm their arrival by signing several documents including the mandatory Student Agreement which set out the rights, rules and regulations of the master program.
Published on December 9, 2021 Updated on March 7, 2025