
Mobility scheme

DREAM students will spend their first semester in France to acquire background in Power Systems and Automatic Control and will move for the second semester to Germany, Spain or Romania. The third semester can be undertaken in any of the HEI partners, by choosing one of the following specialisations:
  • Smart grids dynamics and control
  • Transmission/distribution/microgrids (France)
  • Advanced wind turbine control, protection systems (Germany)
  • Power electronics in power systems (Spain)
  • Smart power systems (Romania)
The mobility scheme will thus consist in visiting 2 or 3 EU countries in the first 3 semesters. Semester 4 is set aside for the Master’s Thesis.

The students will then receive a double or triple degrees from the institution in which they studied.

DREAM - Mobility scheme

Academic programme

First semester

Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France (ECN)*

Modules ECTS
Mathematical modeling & identification 4
Optimization 4
Control of electrical drive systems 4
Nonlinear and switching dynamics 4
Power systems dynamics 4
Course and Project: Dynamic components of a power system 6
French language course 4
*This programme may be subject to change
Second semester

Universitat Politècnica De Catalunya, Spain (UPC)

Modules ECTS
Power generation from Renewable energy sources* 5
Power electronics applied to distributed energy resource* 5
Smart grids* 5
Project and experimentation 10
Spanish language course 5

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Germany (HTW)

Modules ECTS
Modeling and design of Renewable energy sources* 5
Power electronics: design, modelling and control * 5
Smart grids and flexible AC transmission systems * 5
Nonlinear observer and filter design with application in power systems 5
Electric vehicle design and control 5
German language course 5

* These modules are offered at the two partner Institutions where students can spend the second semester. By offering a partly uniform programme, Semester 3 and Semester 4 can build on specific knowledge regardless of the student's place of study during Semester 2.
Third Semester

Specialization A - Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France (ECN)*

Modules ECTS
Advanced robust control for interconnected systems 6
Oscillations and model reduction/dynamic equivalencing. of power systems 6
Analysis and control of power systems with high power electronics penetration 5
Microgrids 5
French language course 2
Project 6
*This programme may be subject to change

Specialization B - Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Germany (HTW)

Modules ECTS
Advanced control and novel design of Renewable energy sources 5
Protection of future power systems 5
Fault detection and fault tolerant control methods for future power systems 5
Project 15

Specialization C - Universitat Politècnica De Catalunya, Spain (UPC)

Modules ECTS
Electric drives with high efficiency and low environmental impact 5
Quality of power supply 5
Wind power / energy storage 5
Compulsory elective module (choice of 1 out of 3)
  • DC technology and systems
  • Integration of Renewables in the electrical grid
  • Analysis and control of modern power electronics dominated systems
Project    10

Specialization D - National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Romania, (U.N.S.T.P.B)*

Modules ECTS
Advanced techniques in power systems: FACTS devices and artificial intelligence 5
Network integration of distributed generation 3
Simulation environments and virtual instrumentation 3
Power quality 3
Energy storage systems and their applications 3
Optimisation for big data in power systems 3
Project 10
*This programme may be subject to change
Fourth Semester

The fourth semester is dedicated to the Master's thesis (30 ECTS).


The language of instruction and examinations is English. The thesis is also written and defended in English.  Students also have language and culture courses as a part of the first semester and the third semester. During the second and fourth semesters, language courses will be offered outside the master’s programme for students who want to further improve their language skills. As a consequence, each student will use three languages (English and two local languages). Mastering the local language will be important if students carry on to work in one of the host countries.
Published on December 9, 2021 Updated on January 29, 2025