
1. Who will be invited?
The best 80 applicants ranked on the main list, eligible for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, will be contacted for an online interview.
2. What will the interview consist of?

The interview will be conducted online, in English, by one member of the jury from the DREAM consortium. The interview will take the form of an evaluation based on criteria defined prior by the selection committee.

3. How long will the interview last?

The interview will last between 15 and 30 minutes maximum.

4. When will I be contacted for the interview?

If you are eligible for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, you will be contacted for the interview after you send your video. Only the best applicant are invited to the interview step in March. If you are invited to an interview, you will receive an invitation by email. If you do not receive an email it means you are not invited to participate to an interview. 

5. When will I receive the result of the interview?

Once all the interviews have been concluded, the selection committee will rank the best applicants according the selection criteria of excellence for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship. The results (negative or positive) will be then sent by email to the applicants between end of March and mid-April.

Published on October 16, 2024 Updated on February 28, 2025